Become a member in 3 easy steps!

  1. Create an account
  2. Fill out the membership form
  3. Make payment of $10/season (covers all family members)
    Once your membership is completed, you will be able to reserve your spot for all our activities depending on available space. For the workshops, please check the availabilities before paying for your membership: Workshops

If you already have an account and wish to renew or complete your membership for the current season, you can do so via your account.

For more info about your membership, please contact us at 514-713-5353 or by email at [email protected].

Responsible for Personal Information Privacy Policy:
Danielle Rousseau, director
514 258-2912 or [email protected]

Create an account

Member Services

Your membership runs until the end of the current season (June 30) and gives you access to the following services (depending on available space):

  • All scheduled conferences in English or French. Conferences offered monthly on various subjects. Some examples of subjects that have been explored: opposition, anxiety, medication, discipline…
  • All scheduled workshops: Our workshops offer a more hands-on approach compared to our conferences. You must register beforehand. Participants, in small groups, will attend a series of workshops focused on a single theme, such as parenting oppositional children, parenting teenagers, etc.
  • All the special activities, including the Annual General Assembly and special evening presentations.
  • Book lending (library service, therapeutic tools, etc.) available during conferences (in presence only).
  • Family Day combined to our Annual General Meeting is free for members.

Note: You don’t have to be a member to benefit from the phone support services. Summer day camps, intervention worker training and Reading Detectives manuals all require an extra fee and you don’t have to pay for the membership.

Step 1: Create your account

Formulaire création de compte