To restrain impulsivity
⦁ Inform the child of any changes in their schedule or setting that could agitate them.
⦁ Prepare them for these changes by explaining the behaviour they should exhibit when these occur.
⦁ Identify their triggers: requests are denied, injustice, discredit self-esteem, feelings of failure, loss of personal influence, intrusion in their personal space.
⦁ Identify factors that amplify their reactions: fatigue, hunger, no physical activity, excited mood, end of medication, stress, misplaced anger, etc.
⦁ Implement procedures to mitigate those situations.
⦁ Use nonverbal codes to remind them of what they need to do.
Encourage them to channel their impulsivity into certain behaviours:
⦁ Deep breaths
⦁ Express their frustrations by making art
⦁ Allow them to express their feeling in private: tearing up paper for recycling, hitting a cushion.
⦁ Teach them to use their words to express their emotions
⦁ Count backwards
⦁ Intense physical activity
⦁ Go in a quiet corner
⦁ Work on their internal responses (deep breathing, etc.)