Multiple supporting strategies are required
Every person is unique, and therefore every person’s symptoms will manifest in a different way. This means we need to use a range of strategies to treat a person, so that we can find those that work specifically for that individual.
Every professional in the field understands that medication is not a cure-all when it comes to ADHD. On the other hand, strategies that do not use medication are not always enough to mitigate the effects of this condition. Therefore, you must discover for yourself what works for your particular situation and version of ADHD.
⦁ Organization strategies (guidance, time management, spatial organization, etc.)
⦁ Cognitive strategies (concentration exercises, self-directed learning, etc.)
⦁ Behavioural strategies (timeouts, making choices, conflict resolution, etc.)
⦁ Emotional strategies (anger management, build self-esteem, etc.)
⦁ Physiological strategies (healthy habits: sufficient sleep, physical activity, nutritious food, etc.)
⦁ Medication strategies (many molecules are available)
We invite you to try out these strategies for your child or yourself. Don’t miss our conferences and workshops if you wish to get more information about them, or other strategies you could consider.
This was an excerpt of a conference given in 2007 by Line Massé (remedial specialist, psychoeducator, and teacher at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) and Dr. Annick Vincent (psychiatrist).